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On to -50%

Together, we increase efforts to reduce emissions. That’s Terah.

Extreme weather does not only affect exotic regions. Climate change is also making itself felt more and more in western Europe, causing harvests to fail and putting food production under pressure. From 25% fewer emissions in 2024 to 50% reduction in 2030, Terah’s ambition is as great as the challenge.


26%¹ food

of which 40% is linked to agriculture

¹ Source: Our World in Data

Total CO₂ footprint of Dossche Mills for 2020


Scope 1 — Emissions directly from Dossche Mills
Scope 2 — Indirect emissions from the energy purchased by Dossche Mills
Scope 3 non-FLAG — Emissions not related to agriculture for which Dossche Mills is indirectly responsible
Scope 3 FLAG — Emissions related to agriculture for which Dossche Mills is indirectly responsible


² FLAG: Forest, Land & Agriculture




Bold baseline



Active response



True ambition

With the Terah program, we fulfill a connecting role – from the field to the store shelf.

Terah rewards


To apply various cost-efficient measures

Terah facilitates


To improve the value chain on any level

Terah empowers


To use high-quality & low-carbon flour

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